Tuesday, January 22, 2013

People's Republic of China

I have just returned from People's Republic of China having taught at Huaibei Normal University for the last year. It was a fabulous experience that reinforced in me some lessons that I have grown to believe and demonstrate. 

First & Foremost...Travel matters! To read of a place or hear someone talk of visiting a destination or catching a snippet of a story on the evening news is entirely different than living and immersing yourself in a faraway land and all that their culture has to offer.

Secondly, there are students in our world who are eager to stretch their imaginations and grateful for
experiences that prepare them for their opportunities in waiting.
Most importantly I learned again that my style of interaction works.  China is the 37th country I have visited and again I take great pride in knowing that I'm leaving a small thumbprint in tiny towns along tmy way .  From buying medicine for the elderly, to supplying winter blankets for poor villagers, to floating micro-loans to the deserving, to securing eye glasses and sporting equipment for children who benefit by benevolence, to educating university students in the classroom...it all matters. 

I am a global ambassador of youth but more importantly I am a citizen of the United States of America who has chosen to travel and seeks opportunities to reach and teach.

My life is enriched by the choices I have made!

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